Wednesday, 26 September 2007


Oh... a Petra vai mudar de bloco por causa do início das aulas, vou ficar sozinha!!!
E com ela vai o micro-ondas, a faca, a panela, a extensão, as tesouras, as canecas, a máquina de fazer chá... e a tradutora de checo/inglês... a companhia... snifff... :(


Kacii said...

hi!! i came here through blogger play, 'cause i noticed this known place for me on the picture:)

i'm from liberec, but this semester i'm in helsinki through erasmus..i guess you're on your studies there as well, so i wish you good luck and i hope you're gonna like this city:))

unfortunately i don't understand your language, but anyway i just wanted to say hi:))

Jay Cee said...

Está mto internacional estes teu blog:P

Mas ela n deve ir para longe! Vai atrás dela!Pede transferência...

Kacii, welcome but don't worry Papoila only writes silly stuff, and the comments are even worse:P:P:P

Papoila said...

Ok... I'll try to write something in english to make my blog more internacional :)

wyldckat said...

Hei, a few map references would really help everyone that is already there now and those that are planning to go there for Erasmus'ring ;)